Monday, July 9, 2018

'Even so will I boast.'

Well friends and family...It has come to this. I have one full week left as a full-time missionary. As I am sure you can imagine I am full of mixed emotions.

Until July 17th there is nowhere else I would rather be than in the Great California Ventura Mission. But when July 18th hits, I will be anticipating the moment when I am reunited with those who I love most. Determined as a disciple of the master to move this work along. 

This week was MLC. (My last one) So that was truly a blessing. I was able to offer my departing testimony along with several others so that was surreal. 

We had a great week this week with Jen! The biggest highlight of the week for sure came yesterday when she attended our ward for the first time.  The spirit was so strong and she felt it! She stayed for all 3 hours and her most favorite part was Relief Society. Our sisters did a great job at rallying around her and building those friendships. 

As I have been pondering what I have been studying in Alma 26 I can't help feel as Ammon and the sons of Mosiah, as I reach the end of my full-time service. In vs. 10 we know Aaron is gently rebuked by Ammon that his "joy doth carry thee away unto boasting." Then in humility, but with sweet boldness Ammon corrects and clarifies Aaron's innocent accusation. 

We learn from 11-37 of the "fruits of their labor" i just want to touch on vs. 36...

36 Now if this is boasting, even so will I boast; for this is my life and my light, my joy and my salvation, and my redemption from everlasting wo. Yea, blessed is the name of my God, who has been mindful of this people, who are a branch of the tree of Israel, and has been lost from its body in a strange land; yea, I say, blessed be the name of my God, who has been mindful of us, wanderers in a strange land.

As take time to reflect on my time in Ventura the more and more I come to understand how my heart is "brim with Joy". Ammon is a great example who labors as if all depends on him. But yet when any ounce of success is achieved, he gives God the glory. Which then enables him to look to God for the miracle. We can see clearly that throughout his service a change of heart had taken place. Which led him to say "this is my life and my light, my joy and my salvation, and my redemption from everlasting woe". 

In the first few minutes of Jen's lesson we were following up on her reading. She had been reading in Alma, taking notes on what she read, and loving it. As I was sitting there listening to her, this Joy filled my heart as I was listening to this child of God "liken the scriptures" unto herself. It was so simple but yet so powerful. I was so happy, because she was happy. Love is what I felt. Knowing I'm approaching my last week as his servant the Lord revealed to me this truth... "You are going to miss this.” 

This lesson was over Skype so Jen probably didn't notice but I was overcome with emotion...I had never received that before and it is something I will cherish forever. 

I know God lives, and loves his children. He never forgets nor forsakes. He just molds and He just makes. I bear witness in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that the Book of Mormon is true. It is the keystone to all that is good in this world. I testify that in the year of 1820 God the 
Father and his son Jesus Christ appeared to a 14 year old boy named Joseph Smith. Then through this boy prophet the Lord restored his church by his Power through this servant for benefit of his children. I testify that there indeed are prophets in the Land again. President Russell M. Nelson is his choice seer in these latter-days. Jesus Christ lives. I love him.  Through his holy merits, mercy, and grace, I have sung the "song of redeeming love." I testify that the work I have been so blessed to participate in is the work of Salvation. There is nothing in this world that is more important than it. I testify of these things as a representative of him, in the name of Jesus Christ amen. 

Love, Elder Judd 

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